St. Francis of Assisi


Located behind the Grotto
Located behind the Grotto


Francis was born in 1182 to a very rich, easy life. His father wanted his son to become a man of business and Francis did. He also loved parties with many friends. Life was good and he was in his glory. Then, Francis had a dream in which God told him to change his life. Francis conversion was not easy. Slowly, he started to pray.

One day while riding through the countryside, Francis came face to face with a leper. Repelled by the appearance, Francis nevertheless jumped down drom his horse and hissed the hand of the leper. When this kiss of peace was returned, Francis felt he knew what God wanted.

In Prayer at the ancient church at San Damiano, Francis heard Christ speak to him. "Francis, repair my church." Francis got busy and started doing this with his father's money and materials from his father's shop. Francis's father became angry and filed charges against his son. The Bishop told Francis to return the money and to believe that God would provide. Francis not only gave back the money, but all his inheritance, even the fancy clothes he wore. Now dressed in cast off rags, Francis prayed for guidance. Realizing God wanted him to repair the Church, not the building. Francis began teaching and reforming. Slowly, other men began to follow his life and preaching. Francis founded a religious order, the Franciscans, all who worked to help the needy and deprived.

Fransis brotherhood included all of God's creatures. His love of nature has been documented in many ways. In this beautiful setting, it is alltogether fitting and proper to honor St. Francis. We, too, need to be dedicatedto serve others. And, as parton saint of ecologists, we need to be reminded to praise Gos for all the beauty of nature as a gift to us.


        >History Of The Shrine

        >The Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes

        >Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel

        >The Crucifix In The Chapel

        >The Chapel For St. Jude Thaddeus

        >St. Francis Of Assisi

        >Our Lady of the Snows